Why does this page exist?

I'd like to write more! I've always had a knack for non-fiction and journalistic writing, but I haven't had the opportunity to write anything professionally for a few years now. The purpose of this page is to provide samples, naturally, and its existence is hopefully germinating the seeds of some future projects for me. I am more than willing to work for exposure under the right conditions, and would especially be interested in contributing to outlets like music blogs, YouTube channels, zines, etc. If you're interested in having me, consider emailing me to discuss projects and rates!


Was one of three co-writers throughout the entirety of the website's existence beginning with the spiritual predecessor Twitter thread in July and continuing all the way until the project closed in mid-October. Covered popular culture ranging from international geopolitics to individual flare-ups of "terminally online" social media discourse. Updates averaged 4,500 words per day during the month of August, my own contribution rarely falling shy of four digits daily. In what some would consider an affront to humanity, I actually got paid for doing all this.

The Lost Media Wiki

Contributed several articles on a volunteer basis under the username "midnightmarauder". Was evidently good enough to get blatantly plagiarized by a "lost media" YouTuber with no citation. Neat!

YouTube? Blog?

Maybe someday.